Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nothing Says Thanksgiving Like Killing Tools

It's good to be back into the ranks of obscurity again. This week's completely random and forgettable weapon is the Lovekeeper axe from Drakengard 1 for the Playstation2. I liked the weapon for the flavor behind it:
"A young couple, blessed by fortune, were to be wed. But on the night before
the wedding, a small, shining spirit appeared before the young bride.
The ghost whispered in her ear, speaking straight to the weakness in her heart
: "Do you wish to make him all yours? Do you wish to ensure his heart is yours
for all eternity?"
When the girl recovered her senses, she found this gore-splattered axe in her
hand, and before her, the bloody head of her beloved. "Now he is yours
Even now, the ghost of the young bride can be seen wandering the village,
garbed in a blood-splattered dress and clutching the sightless head of the
man she was to marry."

-Drakengard Weapon History for the Lovekeeper Axe
Pretty messed up stuff. Glad I have a blog post tag for decapitations. Now, onto the weapon!

I've scaled the axe to 1:6 scale, based on the handle width. It's quite unwieldy for a girl, based on the size of it.
Luckily, the blade fit the face of one Magic card. The axe blade was made by laminating two 2-card-thick outer layers with the decorative bits drawn and cut out onto a 4-card-thick stack. The spike was made from a simple cone, used from my cone maker. The axe-head block was made from many laminated layers of Magic cards, making it a solid piece. Unfortunately, I forgot to cover the blade edge with a layer of printer quality paper to hide the rough layers made visible by sanding.

However, the Lovekeeper isn't this week's highlight. The actual piece of interest is a more-popular weapon, the Bloodberry from No More Heroes. First, I present the schematic for the major portions of the Bloodberry.

The detailing for the Bloodberry is sparse, made sparser by scaling it to 1:6. It's personally not a very challenging item to make, since it's mostly revolved objects. If you're going to use this drawing, keep in mind it's scaled according to a game screenshot, and NOT the concept art floating around. The concept art has a shorter overall length.

Right now, unpainted and devoid of the blade, it's a very unexciting model.

The Bloodberry is held together by a bamboo stick running through the hilt. The only issue so far is rolling a 2mm diameter tube for the Bloodberry's extension rod that extends the tip. That was constructed by straightening out a paper clip, then rolling printer paper around the paperclip rod until it reached 2mm in outer diameter.

Here is the painted and completed Bloodberry. For the blade, I had spent a good deal of time looking for a blue drinking straw to use to create the glow effect. Somewhat worked. I had to use a clear drinking straw covered with a layer of 3M Polyester 8992 heat resistant tape. Except mine was blue. Great what you can find at your workplace, eh? Some elements required some thin sections, best remedied by bending and painting paper clips. Strong, and versatile! The paper clips were attached with some Loc-Tite adhesive. The small point of contact made gluing a tricky ordeal.

The project was fairly simple, but the biggest problem was finding the right way to convey the beam without actually having a blue plastic rod. That alone stalled this project a good month.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll find some winged animals to slice in half with my new toys.

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